Welcome to the blog!

Hello, and welcome to the site! I'm Rally, a high school student in Ontario, Canada who dabbles in a bit of computer science and competitive debate. I'm using this site as a documentation tool for my explorations of the subjects that I'm interested in. I don't intend for this to be a super serious environment, so there likely won't be a consistent topic/theme or post schedule. My hope is that you find something at least mildly interesting and/or useful on this site. Enjoy!

1.1 About this site

I created this site as a way to document some of my explorations into STEM and the humanities throughout high school. I'll include write-ups explaining my thought process behind ongoing and past projects, as well as informational articles synthesizing research I have conducted on a variety of subject areas.

I would encourage you not to rely too much on these posts as tutorials or end all be all informational sources, as I am by no means in any of the subjects that I'm delving into. Rather, I hope these articles can serve as a starting point for your own research into these varied (and I hope, interesting) fields of study. Some of the information might be a bit outdated by the time you read it, but I'll try and keep this website updated to the best of my ability. Where possible, I'll include source code and external resources so you can build off my work for your own projects.

1.2 Posts

You can find a collection of my posts below. A search function will be coming soon, but the number of posts is low as of now so you should be able to find what you need.

Creating a Custom HTML Markup Language
Writing a Python interpreter and implementing syntax highlighting in Notepad++ for a custom HTML markup language to streamline the creation of blog posts on this site.
Building a Tetris Clone with C++ SFML
Creating a clone of the popular game Tetris using the SFML development library in C++.
The Limits of Informed Consent
Investigating when consent is and is not sufficient to render actions morally permissible.

1.3 Contact

You can find me on a variety of platforms. See some of them below.